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中两优018是湖南洞庭高科种业股份有限公司2019年通过湖南省审定的高产、稳产、熟期适宜的中籼新组合。文章介绍了中两优018该组合及父母本亲本特征特性,并依据近年来在湖南岳阳制种实践分析,总结了该组合高产制种技术要点,为其推广提供参考。  相似文献   
以庞大建筑群体为主的压花作品《花丛中的布达拉宫》是风景压花画中制作难度较大的作品之一,通过对该作品设计的灵感来源、草图设计、花材选择以及详尽的制作过程和技巧的分析,总结制作经验,归纳建筑型风景压花画制作遵循的原则,为压花工作者和爱好者制作复杂建筑型压花画提供参考。  相似文献   
【目的】筛选适宜内蒙阿鲁科尔沁旗地区种植的燕麦品种。【方法】对12份燕麦(Avena sativa)品种的生育期、草产量、茎叶比、营养特性等进行测定和分析,并运用灰色关联度分析法对各品种的生产性能进行综合评价。【结果】12份供试燕麦品种均能在阿鲁科尔沁旗地区完成整个生育期,表现出较好的适应性,生育期为83~94 d,其中枪手的生育期最短(83 d),爱沃的生育期最长(94 d)。贝勒二代和牧王的株高均达到100 cm以上。枪手、贝勒二代和牧王的干草产量较高,分别为9.99,8.69和8.59 t/hm~2。贝勒二代的茎叶比最低(1.12),适口性最好;美达的茎叶比最高(3.19)。爱沃和贝勒二代的粗蛋白含量(质量分数)较高,分别为12.20%和11.90%;太阳神、贝勒二代和领袖的中性洗涤纤维及酸性洗涤纤维含量较低,领袖和贝勒二代的相对饲喂价值较高。灰色关联度分析表明,综合评价排在前2位的燕麦品种为贝勒二代和牧王,其加权关联度分别为0.838 2和0.799 1。【结论】燕麦品种贝勒二代和牧王综合表现最好,适宜在阿鲁科尔沁旗地区推广种植。  相似文献   
徐明霞 《饲料研究》2021,(4):147-149
青蒿素是一种倍半萜内酯类化合物,其特殊的过氧基团结构使其具有抗疟疾、抗菌、抗炎、抗氧化、抗寄生虫、免疫调节、缓解热应激、促进生长等作用。青蒿素及其衍生物应用于动物生产中可以替代抗生素,具有广阔的应用前景。文章对青蒿素及其衍生物的生理功能、主要提取方式及在动物生产中的应用进行论述。  相似文献   
为了研究性别对查吾拉地区牦牛的产肉性能及肉营养成分的影响,随机选取8岁健康的查吾拉牦牛10头,公母各半,对不同组别间牦牛进行屠宰试验比较肉营养品质的差异。结果表明,母牦牛屠宰率、净肉率、胴体率、骨肉比均高于公牦牛,但无统计学差异。肉营养成分分析结果显示,母牦牛肉中维生素A、E、B12、半胱氨酸、组氨酸、精氨酸、钙、硒、脂肪酸含量高于公牦牛(P<0.05)。研究结果表明,查吾拉牦牛富含较高的营养成分,可为人类提供优质健康的动物蛋白,具备作为优质牦牛肉源生产的潜力。相比较,母牦牛肉优于公牦牛。  相似文献   
The microalga Rhodomonas salina is widely used in aquaculture. There is a need for optimization of the growth of the microalgae and its content of essential fatty acids. Here, the fatty acid profile of Rhodomonas in relation to cell density during cultivation in a tubular PBR is investigated. It is expected that cell density is an important factor in controlling productivity and fatty acid content of the microalgae because cell density is important in determining light availability due to the self‐shading of the algae. The carbon productivity as a function of cell density is described by a saturation curve. The carbon productivity and the productivity of total fatty acids are lowest at the lowest cell density, and independent of cell density at higher cell densities. The relative contribution of the two poly‐unsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) increases with increasing cell density and saturates at 1 × 106 cells/ml. We conclude that large‐scale production of Rhodomonas in this tubular PBR should take place at cell densities of 1 × 106 cells/ml, while there are indications for increasing difficulties in maintaining steady‐state production in this PBR at higher cell densities.  相似文献   
Overfishing may seriously impact fish populations and ecosystems. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are key tools for biodiversity conservation and fisheries management, yet the fisheries benefits remain debateable. Many MPAs include a fully protected area (FPA), restricting all activities, within a partially protected area (PPA) where potentially sustainable activities are permitted. An effective tool for biodiversity conservation, FPAs, can sustain local fisheries via spillover, that is the outward export of individuals from FPAs. Spillover refers to both: “ecological spillover”: outward net emigration of juveniles, subadults and/or adults from the FPA; and “fishery spillover”: the fraction of ecological spillover that directly benefits fishery yields and revenues through fishable biomass. Yet, how common is spillover remains controversial. We present a meta‐analysis of a unique global database covering 23 FPAs worldwide, using published literature and purposely collected field data, to assess the capacity of FPAs to export biomass and whether this response was mediated by specific FPA features (e.g. size, age) or species characteristics (e.g. mobility, economic value). Results show fish biomass and abundance outside FPAs was higher: (a) in locations close to FPA borders (<200 m) than further away (>200 m); (b) for species with a high commercial value; and (c) in the presence of PPA surrounding the FPA. Spillover was slightly higher in FPAs that were larger and older and for more mobile species. Based on the broadest data set compiled to date on marine species ecological spillover beyond FPAs' borders, our work highlights elements that could guide strategies to enhance local fishery management using MPAs.  相似文献   
阐述了国内外茄果类种苗半自动嫁接机存在的作业生产率过低的问题,针对国内种苗嫁接环境,以茄果类种苗为作业对象,提出了基于"流水线"的半自动嫁接作业模式,选取适合机械化操作的贴接嫁接法,分析了生产节拍、作业工序与作业生产率的关系,最终将夹持、切削、拢苗、对接、上夹和下苗6个工序合理分配至4个工位。进行了整机嫁接作业试验,结果表明基于"流水线"的嫁接生产模式可实现1000株/h的嫁接生产率,有效提高了作业效率。  相似文献   
不同LED光源下培养的马铃薯组培苗在形态特征上差异明显,为探索这种差异是否会对其移栽后产生进一步影响,试验研究了100%红光(R)、100%蓝光(B)、100%绿光(G)、75%红光+25%蓝光(RB)、45%红光+35%蓝光+20%绿光(RBG)和100%白光(CK)6种光谱下培养4周的马铃薯组培苗温室移栽后植株的生长和结薯情况。试验结果表明,B处理的马铃薯组培苗移栽后缓苗期叶绿素荧光参数Fv/FmqP、结薯前期SPAD值及结薯期各器官生物量均始终高于CK和其他处理,且该处理下最大薯的干鲜重和有效微型薯占比分别较CK提高45.66%、45.09%和10.93%。R处理的组培苗移栽后结薯期地上部生物量显著高于CK,单株结薯数目提高29.60%,但有效微型薯占比较CK降低63.97%。G处理的组培苗移栽后生长和结薯指标均表现最差。组合光谱RB和RBG处理的组培苗移栽后的生长指标和微型薯产量及产量构成指标均与CK无显著差异。因此,单色红、蓝、绿光谱处理对马铃薯组培苗的影响会持续至其移栽后植株幼苗生长,甚至结薯期,组合光谱RB和RBG则不会。在马铃薯组培苗生产上,单色蓝光和单色红光作为照明光源具有潜在的应用价值,组合光谱RB和RBG可作为白色光源的替代光源。  相似文献   
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